Month: September 2011

  • How to Create a Forum Free | Very professional and Great Free Forum

    STEP 1 – create this page . The exampleForum is according to your choice names for your forum. STEP 2- Create a new forum at Nabble: It is free at to ceate your forum. Copy the HTML code. STEP 3- Go to Blogger Dashboard -> Design -> Edit HTML and mark the tick-box…

  • How to Reducer Gap Between Post and Sidebar

    To adjust the left side gap of the right side sidebar ,paste this code in template designer advance section in css text box. .column-right-inner { margin-left:-20px; }  left sidebar  main content   (To reduce this gap ) sidebar contents

  • How to Hide | Remove | Block| Navbar of Blogger by CSS | 3 Methods

    Go to Design > Template Designer > Advance css. And do thisCopy and paste the code provided below and insert it as given the path above.These are the css method to remove or hide the navbar iframe. Method 1st: To hide , Copy and paste the code provided below #navbar-iframe {   display: none !important;}Method 2nd: To…

  • How to increase Backlinks | How to submit your site to social network with one click

    Onlywire is a free service that allows you submit your site to 30 social bookmarking sites with a click of a button. Right now the social bookmarking sites OnlyWire will submit to are: 1.      Ask 2.     Bebo 3.     Bibsonomy 4.     Blinklist 5.     BookmarkSync 6.     Connotea 7. 8.     Digg 9.     Diigo 10. Facebook 11.   Faves…

  • How to Implement Google Custom Search | Google Custom Search not working

    For implementing google custom search properly this wild card does a miracle for the search result. If you are unable to understand then post your comments below. It will be answered as soon as possible.  We have to put this code in “what to search box” What to search-* Here * is doing a…

  • How to Break Header Blogger | How to Split Blog Header

    1.Read carefully to break the header of the blogger. It is very much tricky. /* Header===================================*/#header-wrapper {width:900px;margin:0 auto 0px;height:190px;} #header-inner {width:900px;background-position: center;margin-$startSide: auto;margin-$endSide: auto;} #header {margin: 0px;text-align: left;color:$pagetitlecolor;} 2.Replace above code with below code. /* Header===================================*/ #header-wrapper {width:900px;margin:0 auto 0px;height:190px;} #head-inner {width:600px;background-position: left;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;float:left;} #header {margin: 0px;text-align: left;color:#ffcc66;} #r_head{width:300px;float:left;padding-top:10px;} 3. Now again Scroll down…