Category: Blog edit by css

  • How To Develop A Spectacular Drop Capital Impact On Your Web Pages

    Drop Capitals are often utilized in numerous newspapers, books and magazines in the offline world. You will often see the big uppercase sinking down into the very first paragraph of short articles, stories and chapters in the bulk of publications you encounter. The drop capital offers the page a nice finishing touch, and definitely adds…

  • How to Edit Auto Read More Widget of Blog | Blogspot

    This edit is for “auto read more” snippet. It is very effective to disallow auto read more snippet (of displaying only 200 words of the post content) in the post list of search label. This allow the post to appear in full when a search label is clicked . If there are four posts of…

  • Auto Read More Snippet at Home Page with Image Thumbnail

    Very simple thing needs to do it. I suppose that reader is familiar with blogger’s HTML code etc.Do this:Step 1: Go to template>HTMLStep 2: Do Ctrl+F for </head>Step 3: Put this code below  </head>—— <!–  Auto read more script Start –><script type=’text/javascript’>var thumbnail_mode = &quot;yes&quot;; //yes -with thumbnail, no -no thumbnailsummary_noimg = 440; //summary length…

  • How to Reducer Gap Between Header and Body by css | Header and Sidebar

    This css code is very handy. It can reduce gap between header and body . That is if the the below space of the header  is more and you want to reduce this gap then this css code is very handy. Go to Design > Template design > Advance > then put this code in…