Author: ccukt


    <!–Self css for box code start–><style type=’text/css’>div.ex{border:0px solid black;padding:0px,0px,0px,0px;margin:0px,0px,0px,0px;width:329px; }</style> <!–Self css for box code end–><style type=’text/css’>div.sf-text {float: left;width: 110%;background: #999;padding: 0px 0 15px 0;margin:0 0 0px -50px;}</style> <!–Self css for para text start–><style type=’text/css’>#para1{border:1px solid #D8D8D8;padding-top:6px;padding-right:6px;padding-bottom:6px;padding-left:6px;text-align:justify;}</style> <style type=’text/css’>div.hdl1{margin-left:0px;text-align:left;color:black;background:#E6E6E6;padding: 0,0,2em,0;}</style><!–Self css for para text end–><!–Self css forABOUTBOX code start–><style type=’text/css’>div.aboutbox{width:1000px;padding:10px;border:2px solid green;color:black;background:#ECF8E0;margin:0px;}</style><!–Self css for box2…

  • How to reduce Increase margin Padding of a Particular Widget

    This is very powerful tip for blogger. Go to on AdvanceClick on Add CSSPut this code for HTML/JAVASCRIPT ID= HTML1. Here HTML1 is widget id . You can find it at the top address bar of a particular widget. Put this code in Add CSS box. You can control any particular widget by selecting…

  • Custom Domain Setting for Blogger

    What’s the minimum you need to do for Custom Domain:If you have purchased a custom domain for your blog through Blogger, you need to do three things: Keep the email(s) telling you how to access the Domain Manager very carefully.  You may need this information in the future, if you change the way you want to…

  • My diary note about SEO and custom domain

    1. Form of google docs can be used as data collection.2. 200 static page can be made under one custom domain . example page1.essssay.com3. Optimise meta keywords.4.Page title should match meta keywords.5. More than 5 keywords have not affected negatively. It worked for better rank.6. Reorder keywords as per order of webmaster tool keywords rank.7.Match…

  • Create custom URL on Google site

    Tutorial on how to create custom URL on Google Apps to make it easier to access Google Sites

  • How to Wrap Google Adsense in Text | Left top (or Roght top) Corner

    Many blogger or webmaster want to wrap Google Adsense ad in left top corner or at the right top corner of the text. Here I am showing , how to implement this in very simple way.For LEFT TOP position : Do as shown below. <div style=”display:block;float:left;margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;”>put adsense or chitika code here</div> Here…

  • How to submit ATOM sitemap for Blogger | Blogspot

    This is the best technique to submit a ATOM sitemap for blogger. It is not only the submission , but it must work better for crawling for Google SE or Yahoo Or for Bing SE. There are many structure for submission sitemap , but what i am giving here is the best one as per…

  • Google Custom Search Box in Page Bar

    First create your google search box. Just like that I have created below.Match your code with this code and edit as per this code. See how.Put red color code in your code. This is very important formating code to fit the box inside pagebar. <!– AKB Google custom search box IN PAGE BAR start–>                                                                                  <div class=’cse’ style=’color:#000000;float:right;margin:2px 2px…

  • Increase Traffic By Nofollow Comment | How To NoFollow Blogger Comment Links

    How To NoFollow Blogger Comment Links? This will enhance your site ranking. Because by placing links other achieves their site popularity. This is one of the SEO tool. See the steps. 1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML. 2. Check the box of Expand Widget Template. 3. Now search for the following…

  • How to Make a Blog Private for Business purpose

    Watch this video. Suppose you are running any business and you want to sell product to paid custommer then you have to make your blog private. By doing this you can only allow to paid custommers. By default, your blog is completely public, and can be read by anyone on the internet. However, if you…