Author: ccukt

  • Blogger Features | All blog features are available | Must Read.

    Many user of blogger forget to know the features available in blogger. Actually they know this but because of managing thousand of task they forget to read the beauty of features available in blogger. We must follow all the feature available at On this link complete guidlines of all the features available in details.Nokia…

  • SEO Tips about Robot.txt | Statement meaning of Robot.txt

    This is a SEO tips. It is a must requirement for an SEO to prevent indexing of search pages. Google webmaster tools do this automatically. If it is not done then use robot.txt to prevent custom search pages on your blog or website. Its code is like this. This can be tested in google…

  • How to add post Header in title bar of the website. Better Ranking in SE |Blogger|Blogspot

    Very successful . After doing it my title . Before it the post title were not appearing in the title bar of my website. Also other advantage of this is that the site name was getting appering after post title in search result pages. See the location of the code highlighted. It will help you to…

  • How to submit a sitemap to Bing

    How to submit a sitemap to bing. Read following. It is very easy. <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0;URL=” /> A Sitemap file enables webmasters to identify the most important content pages on their site. However, Sitemap files are not automatically detected and read by search engines. By submitting your Sitemap file to Bing, it tells us where…

  • How to Submit Sitemap to for Blogger | Blogspot | website

    This is very much asked question from many blogger and site owner. How to submit sitemap to ask .com is very easy. just follow this process. 1. For Blogger: Write this [] address direct in the address box of any browser. You will this success message. See below: ———————————————————————————————————————- Your Sitemap submission was successful Your…

  • Sitemap For Blogger

    Once your blog is verified you can  add  sitemaps for your blog[From the Left Pane > Site Configuration > Sitemap].In the sitemap url give the following url as shown in this screenshot and click the Submit Sitemap button atom.xml?redirect=flase&max-results=100   If you have more than 100 posts on your blog, then add an additional sitemap url atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=101&max-results=100 If…

  • How to make computer fully Secure | Guidelines from Microsoft

    1. Here is the web link to kill malicious processes in the computer: Rkill to remove process hijacks Click on run and it terminates all malicious processes. 2. Please click on the online scanner to scan registry: Spyware registry scanner Click on Run and follow on screen instructions to install on the computer. After installation…

  • How to add UnderConstruction Page |Under Construction

    add a Welcome Page To Your Blogger/BlogSpot Blog. See this hack live at Disqus In BlogSpot blog Follow the instructions given below to add a similar page to your blog:STEP #1Log in to Blogger, go to “Layout” -> “Edit HTML“and find (CTRL+F) this code in your blog template </head> Immediately ABOVE/BEFORE it, paste these lines of code: <!–Welcome-UnderConstuction-Page-Starts–><link…

  • How to Embed Youtube Vedio

    step1- See pictures one by one. It is very easy.  Step2- Step3-

  • Important Sites For Blogger